How to Keep My Cat From Jumping on Top of the Refrigerator

A cat's nature compels it to jump to high locations in a room. The cat may find the space atop the refrigerator a comfortable vantage point to observe everything below it. The cat may also find some sort of reward atop the fridge, such as stored food. However, a cat who jumps on the fridge is not only difficult for you to get down, but it may injure itself if it falls. Keep your cat from jumping on top of the refrigerator much the same way you would keep it off of kitchen counters.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat deterrent tape
  • Aluminum foil
  • Cat deterrent herbal spray
  • Cat climbing tree
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      Remove all food and other items from the top of the refrigerator. If the cat jumps atop the fridge to enjoy something, such as a plant or a cat food box that smells enticing, you need to remove that item that the cat considers a reward for jumping.

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      Arrange furnishings differently if possible. Cats can leap tall heights, but most can't jump from the ground to the top of a typical refrigerator. Find what the cat uses to break up the jump. The cat may jump to a counter, a chair, a covered trash can or a container and then to the fridge. If possible, move the furnishings in the room around so that there is no platform for the cat to use to jump to the top of the fridge.

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      Cover the top of the fridge with a cat deterrent tape or with aluminum foil. Cats do not like the stickiness of tape, nor do they like the crinkle sounds that come from aluminum foil. If the cat jumps to the top of the fridge and steps on either material, it will likely jump off right away. Cover any unmovable platforms that the cat uses to jump up to the fridge, such as counters, with the same material. After the cat shows less interest in the fridge, remove the material from the counters if you need to use the counter for other purposes.

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      Spray herbal cat deterrent spray in the area above the fridge. Respray every few days until the cat stays away from the area.

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      Provide the cat with another climbing area. Craft or buy a tall cat tree or set up a series of platforms in an area to the top of a sturdy bookshelf. Give the cat alternative areas in which to climb.