Ways to Carry Cats for Walks

While cats are not known as leash-walkers, you can still take your feline pet for a walk and train it to adapt to a leash. But if your kitty isn't into walking on the leash, you also have the option of carrying your cat during your walk. Cat comfort and safety are two important factors to consider when toting your cat around outside.
  1. Free Hand

    • You can carry your cat freehand for your walk as long as you take the proper precautions to ensure that your cat does not flee from your arms. Place a collar and leash on your cat, and scoop it up into your arms. Grab the leash with one hand. Hold the cat securely with both hands as you stroll outside. When you start to feel your cat squirm to release itself from your grasp, you can rest assured that it won't be able to run away from you because the leash will keep it close by.

    Cat Front Carrier

    • A cat front carrier is a pet backpack that you wear in front by your chest. The cat is strapped into the carrier pocket with its head facing out, arms and legs secured inside the pouch. Since the cat is held up safely inside the front carrier your hands are free to use on your walk. However, you also want to make sure that your cat does not struggle to break free and jump from the pouch. As such, keep your hands on the carrier as much as possible.

    Cat Totes

    • Tote your cat around on a walk in a tote bag. Tote bags are over-the-shoulder, large bags with large openings. Your cat can be safely positioned between the padded interior of the tote. Some tote carriers close at the top, and are made out of mesh fabric so the cat can see --- and breathe --- through the carrier. A tote with a top that closes is a safer alternative for your cat than a tote with an open top.

    Cat Buggy

    • Cat buggies are carriers on wheels that you push while on your walk. The cat buggy is completely enclosed with fabric and mesh so the cat is protected and cannot jump out. The inside of the buggy is cushioned, making it a comfortable resting spot for your cat while it is carried around.