Sphynx Cat Information

The Sphynx cat is a nearly hairless breed of feline named after the mythical creature that it resembles. Its unique appearance is a natural mutation.
  1. Appearance

    • Sphynx cats sometimes have an incredibly fine down fur, or have patches of normal fur around the nose and feet. The Sphynx can also have different colored patterns, patches or spots, which can change as they mature.


    • Sphynx cats can weigh between 8 and 15 pounds. They are recognized as a medium-sized cat, though they are at the larger end of that class.


    • Sphynx cats are very whimsical and thrive on attention. They love to play and make a suitable companion pet to other cats or even dogs.


    • Since these cats have no fur to absorb bodily secretions, you need to bathe them more regularly than other breeds. They will get used to being groomed as long as they have experienced baths since they were kittens.

    In the Movies

    • The breed always has had a cult appeal, but it became extremely popular when a Sphynx appeared in an Austin Powers movie as Dr. Evil's pet and only friend.