Information About the Cat Family

Many people find cats intriguing. According to "The Columbia Encyclopedia"; Sixth Edition; 2008, there are seven cat fanciers' associations in the United States alone. There are many variations of cats, from the wild cat to the modern domestic cat, but they all share similar characteristics.
  1. Types

    • Cats belong to the family Felidae. Lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars make up the genus Panthera, while small and medium-size cats such as cougars, bobcats and domesticated cats make up the genus Felis.


    • The majority of wild cats live in warm climates, although tigers exist in both the tropics and northern regions.


    • Cats are very flexible and twist, climb and jump with ease. They run short distances rapidly. Cats are adept swimmers and most wild cats seem to enjoy bathing.


    • The body of the cat is made to hunt and devour prey.


    • Domestic cats have existed since prehistoric times. The ancient Egyptians worshiped them. Cats were also the victims of superstition in the Middle Ages, when they were viewed as witches.