How Much Are Sphynx Hairless Cats?

Sphynx cats became popular when one appeared in the "Austin Powers" movies. They are mostly hairless cats, although they may have very short fur which can feel like velvet. According to ASPCA Complete Guide to Cats (James R. Richards, DVM; 1999), all sphinx cats are thought to descend from one female hairless farm cat found in Canada around 1966.
  1. Initial Cost

    • This is a rare breed of cat. In America, kittens sold by breeders will go for at least $500 without papers (pedigree) and $1000 to $1500 with papers for pet quality animals (See Reference 2)


    • Sphynx cats are occasionally found in animal shelters or cat rescue non-profit organizations. The adoption fee varies, but is often less than $100.


    • Because they lack protective fur, sphinx cats need to be bathed once a week or their skin becomes very greasy. They need a special shampoo or need to be taken to a professional pet groomer.


    • These cats are prone to burns, cuts and scratches, which may result in emergency trips to the vet. According to the Humane Association of the United States, the average annual vet care costs for any cat are $175. (See References 3)


    • Because of the demand, these cats can be targets of theft. They should never be allowed outdoors. Microchipping a cat is about $50.