Although they are named Persians, the breed is thought to have originated both in Turkey and Iran. The Ragdoll is named for its tendency to go limp when picked up.
Persians weigh between 9 and 12 lbs. on average, while Ragdolls average 14 to 18 lbs. Their long fur makes them appear larger and heavier than they actually are.
Before the 1900s, Persians looked much like Ragdolls do today. Now, the Persian has a flat face similar to a Pekingese dog and much longer, fluffier fur. Ragdolls always have blue eyes and have markings similar to a Siamese cat, while Persians have numerous eye and coat colors and patterns.
Persians need a lot of attention but are generally placid cats that, with patient training, enjoy being groomed and handled. Ragdolls are noted for their friendliness and will not defend themselves when attacked.
Fun Fact
Ann Baker has trademarked the name Ragdoll. There is no such trademark on Persians.
Persian Cats Vs. Ragdoll Cats
Two popular breeds of long-haired cats are the Persian and the Ragdoll. The Persian is the much older and easier to find of the two breeds, first documented by European travelers in the 1500s. California cat breeder Ann Baker developed the Ragdoll in the 1960s. Both breeds make wonderful, affectionate indoor pets. They need to be groomed every day because their coats easily tangle.