How to Keep Male Cat's from Spraying

If you have or ever own a male cat who was bad at spraying, you know how awful it can be for you. The smell can he hideous. The act itself can be embarrassing. It is normal for a male cat, especially one that has not been neutered, to want to mark his territory. It is also instinctual. For the male cat, the spraying will usually begin right at the age of maturity. Some female cats my also spray, usually during the time she is in heat.

Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda
  • Clean kitty litter
  • Cleaning agents with natural enzymes within them
  • Regular schedule for your cat feedings and litter box changes
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      The easiest step is to consider neutering and spaying your cats, especially before the enter the age of reproduction. Statistics show that this method is 90% effective with tom cats. But be warned a kitten reaches maturity quickly. In fact, most vets prefer that you begin the neutering and spaying process by 4 to 6 months of age.

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      Keep kitty's litter box clean. This will ensure that he/she will urinate where he/she is supposed to go. You may want to skip scented litters. Some kitties do not like this.If you want to use a product that will help eliminate odors consider using baking soda, which has little to no smell. Be sure to clean kitty's litter box daily (scooping) and giving it a thoroughly cleaning weekly. Sometimes poor litter box conditions will cause or increase the chances that a cat will begin spraying.If you have more than one kitty, you may have to clean the box twice a day and give it a thoroughly clean twice a week.

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      Help kitty deal with stress. Yes, our pets can be stressed just as we can. Stress can cause them to project feelings in ways we do not like, such as in spraying. You can help eliminate stress by maintaining a schedule with kitty. This means trying to feed kitty at regular times. Spending quality time with kitty at regular times and even trying to stay at home more, so kitty isn't alone as much. It also helps to keep kitties food, bed and litter box in the same locations. Knowing where their belongings are can give them comfort, which in turn can help with stress issues.

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      Try to eliminate the odors of other stray cats from your yard or porches. This means you shouldn't be nice to the neighbor's cats. If your kitty smells them near the door and windows, they will be more apt to spray the area (to mark his territory).

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      Clean urine sprayed areas as soon as you can. Use products that have natural enzymes within them that will help to devour the odor causing bacteria. You don't just want to cover it up. If kitty can still smell his/her urine, he/she will be more tempted to spray the area again. Never use products that contain ammonia because they will smell like urine to a cat.