Run your fingers through the coat of the cat. The first thing to look for is the short fur which gives the American Shorthair its name. The fur on an American Shorthair is short, but thick, with a coarse texture. An American Shorthair can be almost any color and pattern, but the most common is silver with black markings.
Look at the overall body of the cat. An American Shorthair has a sturdy, muscular body which is well proportioned. American Shorthairs are only slightly longer than they are tall and also feature thick, muscular legs. Their overall shape is square.
Check out the cat's head. American Shorthairs have large heads with big, full, cheeks. The shape of their heads is somewhat wide and oblong.
Notice the eyes of the cat. The American Shorthair has large, wide eyes which are rounded, especially at the bottom. The eyes are set about one eye-width apart or slightly farther.
Assess the personality of the cat. American Shorthairs are known to be highly affectionate and playful cats. They are active and tend to be excellent hunters.
Compare the cat to some pictures of American Shorthair cats. Find pictures of the breed at the Cat Fanciers Association website. Click on "breeds" and then "American Shorthair."
How to Identify an American Shorthair
The American Shorthair is the descendant of the British Shorthair, many of which were brought to the New World by European settlers during the times Colonial America. They were put aboard ships because of their prowess at hunting mice. Today, the American Shorthair is the most popular breed of cat in the United States. A few key characteristics can help you identify this breed.