How to Identify a Korat Cat

It is easy to identify a Korat with its unique silver blue color and huge green eyes. These adorable little felines are originally from Thailand, where they are a sign of good luck. Korat cats are extremely gentle and cautious pets that form a very close, loving bond with their special person. Read on to learn more.


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      Check the roots of the cat's hair to see if they are a light bluish color. The hair then darkens in color, and becomes silver at the very tip. The silvery sheen over the cat's entire body looks like a halo or silver colored aura.

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      Stroke the hair on the cats back to see if any of it floats off when the cat is stroked and petted. Unlike most cats, the Korat cat will not lose hair this way. The Korat doesn't bother many people that have allergies to cat hair.

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      Look at the cat's head from the front to see if it is heart-shaped. The heart-shape is from the eyebrow ridges at the top of heart, and the gentle curves of the side of the face sloping toward the chin, forms the rest of the heart.

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      Notice the cat's strong, well-developed chin and jaw.

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      View the eyes of the cat. A Korat cat has large, bright green eyes. The color should have extreme brilliance and depth. The eyes are usually open wide and slightly oversized in proportion to the face.

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      Examine the cat's ears to see if they have only a few hairs on the inside and very short and close hair on the outside. The ears should be large, with a flared base and a rounded tip.