How to Select a Persian

Persians, with their smooshed-in faces and long, flowing fur, are the most popular breed of cat in the country.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat Beds
  • Cat Carriers
  • Cat Combs/brushes
  • Cat Dishes
  • Cat Foods
  • Cat Litters
  • Cat Shampoos
  • Litter Boxes
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      Be sure you're ready to take on the high-maintenance Persian. This breed's long, thick coat requires daily combings and occasional baths.

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      Find a responsible breeder who will guarantee that your Persian is healthy.

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      Check out the breeder. Does the breeder seem concerned about the kitten's welfare or more interested in making money?

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      Expect to pay between $400 and $600 for a pet-quality Persian, depending on the bloodline, type and markings. Show cats can cost $1,000 or more.

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      Pick up and hold the kitten to check for good muscle tone. Persians have short, muscular legs and broad, short bodies.

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      Make sure the cat isn't sneezing or sniffling, and that his ears are clean and pink inside. Persians do, however, tend to have discharge from the eyes, which is normal.

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      Look at and feel the kitten's fur, which should be very long and thick. Bald patches or dry, flaky skin can be signs of illness.

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      Look closely for fleas behind the ears and at the base of the tail - they will be hard to find in the Persian's long hair. A sure sign of fleas is flea dirt, which looks like black sand.

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      Take your Persian to your own veterinarian right away to confirm that he's healthy.

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      Take a Persian kitten home between 12 and 16 weeks of age.