Small Adult Cat Breeds

Cats come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and it's important to bring one into your home that's right for you. If you don't have a lot of space, you might be looking for a breed that stays relatively small as an adult. Of course, it's impossible to tell exactly how big a kitten will grow, so if you want a small cat, you may be better off adopting an adult.
  1. Singapura

    • Singapura cats are possibly the smallest breed in the world. As adults they weigh between just 4 and 8 pounds. Although they're tiny, they have big personalities and are much more friendly than aloof. They love to play, even when fully-grown, and are extremely affectionate both with their owners and with strangers. These short-coated cats are easy to groom, only needing a quick weekly brush. Due to their small size and friendly nature, they may be safer kept as indoor cats.


    • Munchkin cats are a relatively new breed, only achieving recognition by the International Cat Association in 2003. Controversy has surrounded this breed as they have short legs and a dwarfed appearance due to a natural mutation. However, these cats are no more prone to health issues than any other pedigree cat, and may even be healthier than some. Weighing in at between 5 and 9 pounds, these cats won't take up much space on your couch -- where they'll often be, seeking out attention.


    • Thought to be an ancient breed, originating from the Indian Ocean and parts of Southeast Asia, Abyssinian cats have only been bred in the United States since 1935. Weighing an average of 6 to 10 pounds, and with a slight and slender figure, these cats could hardly be considered large. Although they're social and love to play and interact with humans, they're extremely active and adventurous, so don't make great lap cats.

    Other Breeds

    • Several other breeds of cat stay small as adults, and should remain at a weight of 10 pounds or less, although there are always exceptions. These include the hairless sphinx and peterbald cats, the striking Cornish and Devon rex, the Burmese, the Tonkinese and the curved-eared American curl. As a rule, female cats are larger than males so, if size is your main concern, go for a lady cat.