When Will My Ragdoll Get His Long Hair?

A long, silky coat is one feature that attracts cat lovers to the loving, laid-back ragdoll. The ragdoll has a unique hair type that doesn't have much of an undercoat and is comparable to rabbit fur in its soft texture. Ragdoll kittens have longer hair than short-hair-breed kittens, but it isn't the same length that their adult hair will be.
  1. It Takes Time

    • Your adorable ragdoll baby probably resembles a dandelion gone to seed: just one delicate puff of fluff. You can definitely tell that he's going to be a long-haired cat, but don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen. Although your ragdoll kitten's fur will start to resemble adult fur by the time he is about a year old, his coat won't reach its full luxurious maturity until he's around 3 years old.

    Non-Shedding Cat Myth

    • You may have heard that, although they're long-haired cats, ragdolls don't shed. Ragdoll cats' coats are unusual, but the texture and reduced undercoat don't keep ragdolls from shedding altogether. On the upside, they shed less than other long-haired breeds and their hair doesn't mat as easily.

    Grooming Your Ragdoll

    • Both before and after your ragdoll's long hair grows in, you won't need to spend as much time grooming him as you would with a different long-haired breed, such as you would a Persian. Once brushing a week is the minimum for keeping loose hair off your cat and off the furniture, but you'll probably notice your kitty enjoys the attention and the quality time you spend with him when you groom him. If you have the time, your ragdoll will welcome a daily grooming session, especially if you get him used to it as a kitten. In the 2013 "Cat Fanciers' Association Complete Cat Book," Mordecai Siegal recommends accustoming your ragdoll kitten to grooming by using a steel-tooth comb during cuddle sessions, alternating a stroke of the comb with strokes from your hand.

    Other Ragdoll Milestones

    • You can expect to see signs of your ragdoll kitten's maturing from the time you bring him home until his coat is mature at age 3. When he is 3 months old, the gray-blue of his eyes will start to change to his adult eye color; the shade of blue may continue to deepen until he's around a year old. The 3-month mark is also when your kitten will start losing his baby teeth and getting his adult teeth in. As for the color of his coat, it will be fully established in all its glory by the time he is 2.