Types of American Shorthair Cat Breeds

The American Shorthair is a favorite breed among cat owners in the United States. It is a healthy and hearty feline with a gentle, affectionate and sociable personality. It is also highly adaptable-- getting along well with other pets and children. Though cats in this breed share an amiable demeanor, they vary greatly in appearance. The American Shorthair is identified in more than 80 different colors and patterns.
  1. Appearance

    • The American Shorthair is medium to large in size, with a muscular build. Adult males weigh 10 to 15 pounds. Females weigh 8 to 12 pounds. The American Shorthair's coat is thick and glossy. The fur may be a solid color including white, black, gold, red, brown, silver, gray, cream or blue-cream. The coat may also contain two or more colors with various patches and patterns. The most common American Shorthair is the silver tabby, with thick, black markings on a pale-silver background. The second most popular American Shorthair is the brown tabby, with black markings highlighting its chocolate-brown coat. These attractive cats have various eye colors including hazel, green, gold, copper and blue.


    • These felines have a rich history. According to Fanciers Breeder, American Shorthairs received their current name in the mid 1960s. They were originally called "Shorthair," then "Domestic Shorthair." The goal of the name change was to differentiate the breed from other types of short-haired breeds. Though the American Shorthair is considered native to the United States, it was bred from cats that most likely where brought to America by early European settlers. The cats were bred to hunt and kill rodents. The Cat Fanciers' Association officially recognized the shorthaired cats as one of its first five registered breeds in 1906.

    Buying an American Shorthair

    • American Shorthair cats are available for adoption through breeders, animal shelters and rescue organizations. Animal shelters sell stray or abandoned American Shorthair cats at a very low cost. Their primary goal is to place the cat in a safe and loving home. Cat lovers in search of an American Shorthair with championship bloodlines are best served visiting a reputable breeder. A pedigree American Shorthair can range in price from $300 to more than $1,300. Breeders put kittens up for adoption when they are 12 to 16 weeks old. They may live 20 years, or longer, so owners should be ready for a long-term commitment.

    Special Care

    • Though American Shorthair cats are generally strong and healthy, they do require some special care. This type of cat has a hearty appetite -- which makes it prone to obesity. Some American Shorthairs are at risk of an inherited type of heart disease called feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Veterinarians will screen for this upon request. American Shorthairs should not be bathed more often than every six weeks. Over-bathing will dry out their skin.