The Differences Between Angora & Persian Cats

Both Persians and Angoras are longhair cat breeds. However, these two breeds have more different characteristics than similar ones. From facial features to activity levels, body characteristics to personality, Persians and Turkish Angoras differ in almost every other way.
  1. Facial Features

    • The typical Persian has a somewhat flat face and nose with big, round eyes. The Angora, also known as the Turkish Angora, has a face and muzzle shaped like that of most other breeds: neither extremely flat nor sharp. They have almond-shaped eyes.


    • Persians have what is known as "cobby" bodies: medium to large in size, stocky and solid. Angoras tend to have medium-sized bodies and smaller builds. They are also more finely-boned.


    • Typically, Persians are quiet, calm, affectionate and less inquisitive than most other breeds. Angoras are vocal, playful, and typically have little patience for human affection.

    Activity Level

    • Persians can certainly be playful at times, but tend to be placid overall. Angoras are highly active and playful as a rule.