The Tail Types of Japanese Bobtails

The Japanese bobtail is a bread of cat named and known for its atypical bobbed tail, resulting from a genetic mutation caused by a recessive gene. Though native to the Far East, they are now bred and live all over the world. And though one might be able to pick a Japanese bobtail out of a lineup due to its signature tail, no two are identical; just like a fingerprint.
  1. Short Hair and Long Hair Type

    • Japanese bobtail cats are bred and can be found in both short and long hair forms. The fur on their tail can either be short or long. When a specific cat has extremely shaggy hair, it's quite possible that the unique shape of the tail could be hard to recognize, for either its size or shape.

    Tail Length

    • The length from the tip of the tail to the surface of the buttocks of the Japanese bobtail will never be longer than 3 inches. However, this does not mean that the tails of all of them will measure this length exactly. In fact, it greatly fluctuates, and every individual cat will have a unique tail size. Some tails will be thicker than others.

    Tail Direction

    • The direction the tail points, faces or drags is not important and will greatly vary. Some will bob vertically, so that the tip will lead directly upwards, while others will have a tail pointed straight down. Most will carry their tails in a direction somewhere in between these extremities.

    Tail Flexibility

    • Owing to genetic factors, the tails of Japanese bobtails may be either flexible or quite stiff. Some cats will swish and sway their tails while walking. Others' will remain rigid and erect. Again, no two tails are identical on this breed, and the possibilities for tail shape and characteristics are limitless.