Facts About Siamese Kittens

Picking out a Siamese kitten is more than just basing your choice on color. There are many breeds of cat that are similar to Siamese, but are not the same thing. Knowing some basic facts about the Siamese breed can help you know more about their kittens, and how to pick a good one for you.
  1. Two Types

    • There are two types of Siamese, the traditional or "applehead" Siamese and the modern or "show" Siamese. Traditional types were more popular in the 1970s and didn't start falling out of favor in the show ring until the late 1980s. Their heads and faces are rounder, and they have standard length legs for their body size. Modern Siamese have long legs, narrow long bodies, and long narrow faces with long, bat-like ears. Both types have blue eyes.

    Short Hair

    • Siamese kittens are short-haired. A cat may have Siamese color and attributes, but if they are long- haired, they are Balinese, not Siamese.

    Variations in Color

    • While kittens are usually lighter at birth and in their youth then they will be as adults, they have very distinct color patterns. Seal point, chocolate point, lilac and blue points are all variations on the dark coloring of the cat's markings.


    • Siamese, whether modern or traditional, are very vocal cats that enjoy communicating with their human companions. A Siamese will seek out their person and let them know there is a need to be fulfilled. Even as kittens, the Siamese will meow in a long, loud voice to communicate their needs and wants to their human owners.