Ragdolls are called that because they go limp when you pick them up, like a rag doll. Ragdoll cats are large, long-haired, sturdy cats. While not known for being active, they are very docile and loving. The calmness and placidity of this breed makes it a good choice for a household with children, and they are also tolerant of other cats and pets. They are not territorial, and they bond strongly with their owners.
Maine Coons
Maine Coon cats are the largest breed of cat and have long hair. Maine coons are among the largest cats, and they are patient with children. They do well in active households, and they are very energetic and playful cats. They are extremely intelligent and have dexterous paws, which mean that they can sometimes get into forbidden places. One disadvantage is that their long coats require daily maintenance, which may not be desirable in a household with very young children.
The birman is good with children. Birmans are intelligent cats that vocalize regularly but quietly. They are gentle and docile and intelligent enough to learn simple tricks. Their gentleness suits them for a life with young children, and they also tend to get along well with other cats and other animals in the household. Birmans can get lonely, and they do well in households where there is always someone home or at least another cat to play with.
American Shorthairs
The American Shorthair cat is the most common breed of cat in the U.S. American shorthair cats are the most common breed in the United States and they are friendly, sociable cats. They tend to be on the quiet side, and they have short fur that only needs to be groomed once a week. They are highly playful and enjoy playing games with children. They are easy to adopt from shelters and rescues.
Siamese cats are vocal, gregarious and fun to play with. Siamese cats are also excellent with children. "Meezers," as they are called by those who fancy the breed (for Siameeeezer), can be found in shelters all across the country. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and are quite intelligent. They are known for their gregarious and outgoing personality. They have short hair and keep themselves clean; they are a little-maintenance cat.
You can find any cat for adoption from a specific breed rescue organization or on Petfinder (Petfinder.org). Once you have decided on the breed you want, perform a search using that breed as a keyword. If there is no rescue near you, the organization will usually work with you to arrange a free transport.
What Kind of Cats Are Good With Kids?
While children love to play with cats, not all cats take well to them. If you're planning to adopt a cat into a house with young children, choose a calm breed that gets on well with them and does not mind noise and tolerates handling. Keep in mind that no matter how tolerant the cat is, your job is to teach your child to respect the cat's boundaries and not hold it against its will. Cats will scratch if restrained or threatened, so children need to learn to be gentle with them, no matter what breed you adopt. There are several cat breeds that are known for their high tolerance of children.