However, they face various threats that could push them towards a more vulnerable status in the future:
* Habitat loss: Like many other animals, striped hyenas are losing their habitat due to human encroachment, deforestation, and agricultural expansion.
* Human conflict: They are often persecuted by humans due to livestock depredation. This can involve direct killing, poisoning, or habitat destruction.
* Disease: They are susceptible to diseases like rabies and distemper, which can be exacerbated by habitat loss and human contact.
* Competition with other predators: Their range overlaps with other predators, such as lions and leopards, and competition for food can impact their population.
* Climate change: The changing climate may affect their prey availability and overall ecosystem stability.
While striped hyenas are not currently endangered, their population is declining in some areas due to these threats. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure their long-term survival.