How many puppies can a German Shepherd give birth minimum?

There's no definitive "minimum" number of puppies a German Shepherd can have in a litter. It's highly variable and depends on several factors:

* The individual dog's health and genetics: Some dogs are naturally more fertile than others.

* Age: Younger German Shepherds might have smaller litters than older ones, but this isn't always the case.

* Breed: While there's no breed standard for litter size, German Shepherds are known for having relatively large litters.

* Previous litters: A dog's previous litter size might indicate a potential range for future litters.

Generally, a litter size of 4-8 puppies is considered typical for a German Shepherd. However, litters can range from just a few puppies to over a dozen.

It's important to remember that a healthy litter is more important than a large one. A veterinarian should monitor the pregnancy and birth to ensure the mother and puppies are healthy.