How to Dock a Yorkie Tail

The Yorkshire terrier, commonly called a Yorkie, is a small or toy-sized dog breed. The dogs are a grey or blue color with brown markings on the face, ears and legs. It reaches a mature weight of no more than seven pounds and is popular as a companion animal. Breed standard requires Yorkie tails to be docked, but tail docking is not necessary, if you do not intend to show the dog. In some states it is illegal to dock your own dog's tail, unless you are a veterinarian. Check into your local laws before trying to dock dog tails yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Orthodontic rubber bands
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Side cutters or scalpel
  • Skin glue
  • Alum
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  1. Banding

    • 1

      Put orthodontic rubber bands in rubbing alcohol or some other antiseptic solution. This will make sure that the band itself does not introduce any bacteria into the docking site.

    • 2

      Slide the rubber band onto the nose of a pair of needle nose pliers. This just holds the rubber band open to ease the process of positioning.

    • 3

      Slide the open rubber band onto the tail; putting the tail through the rubber band in the center of the pliers.

    • 4

      Slide the rubber band off of the needle nose pliers and onto the tail. Position the band between a quarter- and a half-inch down from the top of the tail. It should be just at the point where the brown on the bottom side of the tail stops.

    • 5

      Watch for the end of the tail to fall off. This typically takes between three days and a week.

    • 6

      Put antiseptic on the end of the docked tail. Keep a scab from forming, to insure that the end of the tail will be covered with hair after it heals.


    • 7

      Clean a set of side cutters or a metal scalpel with a sharp blade with an antiseptic.

    • 8

      Push the skin on the tail up at the point you will cut the tail off. The tail should be docked at approximately one third of its natural length. Pushing the skin up will insure that the skin closes over the end of the bone after it is cut away.

    • 9

      Cut the end of the tail off with the side cutters or scalpel. Make a clean cut, between vertebrae in the tail.

    • 10

      Glue the skin at the end of the docked tail closed with a little skin glue, or sew it shut with two or three stitches.