The Gestation Period of Maltese Terriers

The Maltese terrier is a companionable and energetic breed of toy dog. Although long haired, Maltese terriers have no undercoat, so they shed very little hair. For this reason, frequent grooming is important, as well as the removal of dark tear stains from around the eyes. The gestation of a Maltese terrier is the same as other breeds, with an average litter size of three puppies. Owners can expect a Maltese terrier to live between 12 and 14 years.
  1. Detecting Pregnancy

    • Gestation refers to the time when young are developing inside the uterus. For all breeds of dogs, the gestation period lasts for 63 days on average, however birth can occur after 58 to as late as 68 days. No tests exist to verify the pregnancy, neither with urine or blood samples. A veterinarian can diagnosis a Maltese terrier's pregnancy after about 26 to 35 days, with 85-percent accuracy, by touching the abdomen. Detection of pregnancy using X-rays (possible after 45 days) can ascertain the number of puppies with a 95-percent rate of accuracy.


    • A Maltese terrier displays few physical changes until her fifth week of pregnancy. The nipples and mammary glands begin to enlarge and darken after about 35 days, though this may not be visible until day 45. Obvious weight gain begins between the fifth and seventh weeks, and the dog has a more frequent need to urinate. The terrier may start producing milk as early as seven to nine days before birth, but one to two days is usual.


    • Owners may notice some behavioral changes in their Maltese terrier during the gestation period, particularly in the last weeks. It is advisable for the dog to be separated from children during the final two weeks, as she may become irritable. In the last days of her pregnancy, the dog starts to search for a place to deliver her litter. She tears up blankets, papers and bedding in order to build a nest for her puppies and shuns company.


    • After the first four weeks of the gestation period, a Maltese terrier requires additional protein in their diet, such as small quantities of egg, lean muscle meat (excluding pork) or liver. Her food intake needs nearly double at this point, but the owner must not feed her too many carbohydrates and fats. Maltese terriers must always have water available for their increased fluid needs.

      The terrier requires gentle exercise daily while pregnant. Short, nonstrenuous walks keep her fit and prevent her from gaining too much weight.