How to Breed Pomchi

The adorable pomchi, or Pomeranian Chihuahua mix, is a popular mixed-breed among apartment dwellers and small dog aficionados. Pomchi's are not recognized by the American Kennel Society, so do not breed them in hopes of parading them around the ring of a national dog show. The Pomeranian and Chihuahua can both be possessive animals and often attach to one owner and can be jealous of small children, therefore the Pomchi is not generally recommended for large, busy families with small children around. When breeding these small but mighty pups, it is best to look for even-tempered parents when breeding to encourage mild mannered puppies.

Things You'll Need

  • Pomeranian male or female
  • Chihuahua male or female
  • Box or small space fitting for mother and a litter of puppies
  • Small scale
  • Puppy food
  • Small baby bottle
  • Access to veterinarian care
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      Clear extra time in your schedule and set aside funds for the few months your pups will breed. Small puppies and pregnant females and those who have recently birthed take extra care and may need to go to the vet for checkups. Puppies also need special puppy food and some may need to be bottle-fed.

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      Select a male and female dog with the characteristics you are looking for in your litter. Characteristics may include good health and dental records, mild temperament or disposition, or specific coloring or size. If you own one pet and do not want to purchase a second, review dog websites for owners willing to "stud."

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      Place both dogs in the same secluded area. Allow both dogs time to sniff and keep them together until you are sure they have mated a few times.

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      Check the female for enlarged breasts and a growing abdomen for a sign the birth is near. A dog's pregnancy lasts only a little more than two months.

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      Give the female a dark, safe, secluded space to birth her pups. Generally dogs do not need nor want help from humans in the birthing process and will make that known if disturbed.

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      Care for the mother and pups after birth and take them to the veterinarian before selling or giving away at 6 to 8 weeks. Be prepared to offer a lifetime guarantee or a guarantee of health for a number of years if asked by the seller. Periodically weigh the puppies to ensure they are growing and to give an accurate number to potential new owners.