Take both dogs to your veterinarian. Genetic testing is necessary, as well as tests for communicable diseases. The chihuahua should be tested for luxating patella. The male can also be tested for fertility, but this is not necessary prior to the first breeding attempt.
Identify proestrus. This is when the female's vulva swells and is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge. Mark this date on your calendar.
Schedule the first mating for the estrus stage of the female's cycle. According to the American Kennel Club, this occurs 10 to 14 days after the onset of proestrus. Matings should take place every other day for at least two to three matings.
Take the female to the male of you do not own both dogs. Females adapt better than males, who may become stressed in a new environment.
Supervise the actual mating. This allows you to be sure that the mating actually took place and to assist if there are any problems.
Mark the date of each mating on your calendar. If the female is indeed pregnant, the puppies will be born in approximately 63 days, according to the American Kennel Club.