How to Crossbreed Poodles and Shih Tzus

There are thought to be hundreds of dog breeds in the world. Along with pure breeds, there are also numerous crossbreeds, such as the shihpoo. Shihpoos (also spelled "shipoo" and "shih-poo") are a crossbreed between a poodle and a Shih Tzu. Shihpoos are small- to medium-size dogs, typically weighing between 10 and 15 pounds. They are known to be frequent barkers, have wavy or curly fur that needs frequent grooming and also are prone to weight problems, a predisposition shihpoos inherit from Shih Tzu genetics.

Things You'll Need

  • Purebred poodle (male or female)
  • Purebred Shih Tzu (opposite gender of the poodle)
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    • 1

      Find a suitable stud (male dog) or bitch (female dog) with which to breed. Contact other local breeders, kennel clubs or place classified ads in local newspapers to find a stud or bitch that will be a suitable match for your own dog. Tell the person you are interested in breeding her dog with your own to make a litter of shihpoos and ask how much it will cost to use her dog in the breeding process.

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      Perform a thorough pedigree research to find a suitable bitch for your male dog or vice versa. Check with the dog's owner to see if it is the carrier of any diseases and what kinds of illnesses it is genetically predisposed for. Ask for proof or official documentation that the dog you will be breeding with is a purebred poodle or Shih Tzu.

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      Take your dog to a veterinarian for a physical examination if you are the owner of the bitch. Have the vet check to see if he thinks your dog is healthy enough for breeding or if he thinks any complications may arise. It is important to verify that your bitch is healthy enough to breed and have a litter so as to not endanger her life or the life of her puppies.

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      Wait to breed until the bitch is in heat. Watch for vaginal blood spotting from the bitch to signal that she is in heat or have hormonal tests done by a veterinarian to find out when the best time for breeding is. Most bitches go into heat ever six to eight months so you may want to keep track of her heat cycle using a calendar if you plan on breeding well in advance.

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      Breed the stud and bitch dogs once a day for several days. The heat cycle of most bitches lasts 21 days, with the best days for impregnation being between days seven and 15. Put the stud and bitch together in an enclosed area until they are finished mating. Immediately separate them until the following day. Never leave the bitch unattended while she is in heat as she may mate with another dog.

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      Check to see if the bitch is pregnant three to four weeks after the last mating session. Change in appetite, attitude, enlarged nipples and belly tenderness are all signs that the bitch is pregnant. If you want to be positive, take the bitch to a veterinarian for a proper examination.