Information on Pregnancy & Development in Chihuahua Dogs

Chihuahuas come in two different types: long-haired and short-haired. Pregnancy care is the same for both types. Chihuahua owners should consider carefully before breeding a pet.
  1. Signs of Pregnancy

    • Some symptoms that may signify pregnancy in chihuahuas are lack of energy, increased self grooming and a hard and expanding belly.


    • Chihuahuas are only pregnant for nine weeks, so you should be prepared in advance. Provide your dog with a safe comfortable bed that is away from high-traffic areas of your home. If you do not already have a vet, you should choose one now.

    Signs of Labor

    • A chihuahua in labor will be restless and possibly panting. Her body temperature will have dropped, which may cause shaking. She may also vomit and cry.

    Puppy Development Before Birth

    • Chihuahua puppies do not develop much until the fourth week of pregnancy. They develop quickly after this point and by week five they already look like puppies. This is also the time when most birth defects develop.

    Care of Puppies

    • The mother will provide most of the care for the pups, but you should keep a close eye on things to make sure they are all healthy and well cared for. Watch for puppies that do not appear to be gaining weight or appear listless.