How Old Should Dogs be Before Getting Pregnant?

Age is just a number, or so they say. Yet when it comes to dogs and getting pregnant, age means everything. Breeding too soon can be a health risk to your female as well as her puppies. Knowing how old your dog is and waiting until she is of breedable age will help make the pregnancy an enjoyable event for you and especially for the dog.
  1. Time Frame

    • Different dog breeds reach maturity at different ages. However, the common consensus among dog breeders is that a female should be between the ages of 18 and 24 months before you try and breed her.


    • Dogs who are younger than 18 months are not physically ready to be breed, even though they may look full grown, their bodies are still forming.


    • Waiting until the dog is at least 18 months will make the whelping easier. The female will also be mentally ready to care for puppies, no longer being a puppy herself.


    • Dogs, who are undersized, sometimes called runts, should wait longer to be breed as their bodies develop slower. This does not include miniature breeds, which are bred to be on the small side.


    • Before you decide to breed your female, take her to the veterinarian for a full checkup. This will let you know if she is breeding ready as well as point out any internal abnormalities she may have that were unnoticed before.