Holistic Treatments of Dog Fleas

Fleas are an annoying aspect of a dog's life that needs attention and resolution for your pet's well-being. There is a substantial supply of powders and topical mixtures, but they can contain chemicals that cause adverse reactions. Home remedies are an excellent alternative for the killing of pesky fleas. A female flea can lay10-50 eggs per day. They create a cocoon where they can live up to 6 months. They come out of hiding only to start the cycle again.
  1. Initial Preparation for Killing Dog Fleas

    • Now it is time for homeopathic action for your dog's comfort. The best place to start is by vacuuming your carpets with borax inserted in the bags. This can be followed by a thorough washing of your dog's bedding and vacuuming. It is important to try to get the pupa to go ahead and hatch, in order to get on with their elimination. This can be done by raising the temperature level in your house and let your pets roam freely to encourage the hatching of the fleas. It is now time to get on with the vital process of killing the emerging fleas.

    Holistic Remedies of Dog Fleas

    • Begin by using a flea comb on your dog that is fine-toothed to ensure reaching the bulk of the eggs and fleas. Give your dog a weekly bath your dog in Dawn Dishwashing detergent. It will suffocate the fleas because of the oils it contains. The eggs will be unable to stick and, in addition, it will enable your dog's fur to keep from getting too dry. Concentrate on bathing the dog's neck initially. That way the fleas will head to the dog's face, ears and nose. Let them soak for five minutes and then rinse well. Follow up with a homeopathic flea spray by mixing 600ml of warm water, two drops of pure lavender essential oil and two drops of pure cedar wood essential oil. Shake it well and spray over the skin and fur of your dog and reapply often. A natural flea powder can be made by combining rosemary, fennel, yellow dock, wormwood, and eucalyptus and applying generously.

    How to Diagnose That It's Time For Holistic Action

    • If you are aware of a flea infestation problem on your dog, examine it carefully by separating the hair on the flank or back. It is necessary to be able to observe the actual fleas. Many times what you will see are the leftover particles a flea has dropped. Flea dirt looks like little, black pebbles embedded in the fur and skin. Place a wet paper towel on the dirt. If you notice that the dirt has turned into red blood, then it is the clue that fleas have hopefully made your home and your dog's fur and skin their home. It is then time to begin the holistic flea remedy process.