Pregnancies in Dogs

The bitches of all breeds can get pregnant every six months from the sixth day of heat onwards. Usually a bitch is not interested in having relations until the seventh or eighth day of being in heat, when a bitch's hormones peak.
  1. Length of Pregnancy

    • Pregnancy in dogs usually lasts about 63 days from ovulation. There are pregnancy tests available at most veterinarians. It is advisable for dogs to have no more than three litters in a lifetime, and they should be no less than two years old before breeding.

    Puppy Food for Mom

    • Healthy puppy food contains extra vitamins and minerals for the healthy development of puppies. If the mother needs extra nourishment, try mixing some dry puppy food into her meals.


    • It is always best to have water and food available at all times when looking after a pregnant dog, as she will need to eat more than usual, sometimes even during labor.


    • Towards the last few weeks of pregnancy, you will notice the bitch becoming restless. Show plenty of love and affection during this time. Make sure that the dog's resting areas are kept clear and child-free.


    • To see if your dog is ready to give birth, place a thermometer inside the rectum and hold for a couple of minutes (unless you have one that beeps). If the temperature drops below 100 degrees F, she will give birth within 24 hours.


    • It is best to keep the father of the litter away during labor and for the first week or two after the pups are born. In rare cases, if the mother and father live together, they may not fight, but most of the time the father will be curious and will want to see what is going on. If he gets too close, the mother may warn him or attack to keep him away.