How to Properly Care For a Pregnant Dog

Your dog is expecting. Whether you are going to sell the puppies to make a profit or keep them for your own family to enjoy, this is an exciting time for you. A pregnant dog requires special care to ensure that she has an easy, healthy delivery. This is the time to pay close attention to the care you give your dog. During her pregnancy she is going to have special dietary needs, and she will also need your help to prepare her space for delivery of her new litter of pups.

Things You'll Need

  • Parasite control medication
  • Nutritional dog food
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  1. How to Properly Care for a Pregnant Dog

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      Give your dog plenty of exercise. Being at a healthy weight and having a high level of endurance is crucial for a healthy delivery. Pregnant dogs need to be exercised every day, so grab your leash and get moving.

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      Feed your dog her normal diet for the first six weeks of her pregnancy. Do not increase or decrease the food, but you may want to switch to a highly nutritious dog food. Talk to your vet about the best food to feed a pregnant dog.

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      Increase your dog's feed during the last three weeks of the pregnancy. By the time she delivers she should be consuming 1.5 times her normal diet.

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      Break her meals into several smaller meals. Remember that her stomach may not have as much capacity due to the size of her uterus.

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      See your veterinarian immediately if your dog has a vaginal discharge that looks like blood or contains pus, unless it is near the time of delivery.

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      Keep your dog away from strange dogs during the last three weeks of her pregnancy. If you own other dogs, make sure they are healthy if you allow them around your pregnant dog. She can easily get an infection as she approaches delivery.

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      Create a whelping box by giving your dog an enclosed area that is in a safe and quiet part of the house. Put old clean blankets in the box, and make sure it is big enough for the puppies to move around while the mother is delivering their siblings.

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      Allow the pregnant dog to explore the whelping box a week or two before she is scheduled to deliver. Make sure she feels comfortable getting in and out of the box.