How to Take Care of Newborn Puppies at Home

Taking care of puppies born in your home can be fun, rewarding -- and stressful. Puppies may whine and cry as they become accustomed to their new surroundings. Ensure that they are comfortable and that their basic needs are met to keep them safe and healthy during their first weeks of life.

Things You'll Need

  • Blankets
  • Towels
  • Newspaper
  • Gentle cleanser
  • Box
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    • 1

      Create a large, warm "nesting" area indoors for the mother and pups. Choose a large box or child's wading pool. The mother should be able to get in and out easily. Keep the box in a warm room, as high as 80 degrees Fahrenheit for the first few days of life. The puppies will snuggle next to the mother for warmth. Keep the puppies indoors for at least the first two weeks.

    • 2

      Line the inside of the puppy nesting area with soft, clean towels that are not needed for human use. Cover the towels with several of newspaper, which will provide a disposable surface for waste removal. The towels will provide the necessary warmth and insulation.

    • 3

      Twice a week, clean the lining of the puppy box with a gentle cleanser. Even the slightest fumes can be irritating to a newborn puppy, so use a cleanser that has the least amount of dye and perfume possible.

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      Ensure that the puppies are nursing adequately, about every two hours for the first week. If the puppies are not nursing or the mother is absent, learn to bottle feed the puppies with replacer milk.