What are game bred pitbulls?

Game-bred pitbulls refer to a lineage of American Pit Bull Terriers (APBTs) specifically bred for their physical and behavioral traits that make them well-suited for a specific type of dogfighting known as "catch-weight."


Game-bred pitbulls have a historical connection to bull-baiting and dogfighting practices, which were prevalent in the 18th and 19th centuries. Dogfighters would selectively breed dogs that displayed qualities such as strength, agility, gameness (willingness to fight), and tenacity.


1. Physical Traits: Game-bred pitbulls are typically of medium size with well-developed muscles, broad heads, and strong jaws. They have a muscular build that enables them to maintain agility and power during combat.

2. Temperament: Game-bred pitbulls are renowned for their loyalty and unwavering devotion to their owners. They are generally considered people-oriented and may exhibit affection towards their family members.

3. Gameness: Gameness is a characteristic that sets game-bred pitbulls apart. This trait refers to their readiness to engage in physical confrontation and their refusal to back down. However, it's essential to note that gameness in dogs bred for combat should not be confused with aggressive or dangerous behavior toward people.

Dogfighting Controversies:

Game-bred pitbulls and their association with dogfighting have generated significant controversy and public concern. Dogfighting is illegal in many countries and jurisdictions due to its cruelty and animal welfare implications. Additionally, the perception that game-bred pitbulls are inherently dangerous has led to breed-specific legislation (BSL) in some areas, which impose restrictions on owning or keeping specific dog breeds.

Responsible Ownership and Training:

While game-bred pitbulls can be excellent companions, it's essential to emphasize that they require responsible ownership and proper training. These dogs have strong predatory instincts and should be socialized and trained from an early age to ensure their integration into society in a safe and responsible manner.

It's important to recognize that not all pitbulls are game-bred, and labeling a dog as "game-bred" should not imply that it is aggressive. Every dog, regardless of its lineage or breed, has its unique personality and temperament, and responsible ownership practices are crucial for the welfare of both the dogs and the community they live in.