How do emu mate and will whit human?

How emus mate

1. Courtship: The male emu will display himself by fanning his feathers, making low booming calls, and bobbing his head. The female emu will be attracted by this display and will come closer.

2. Mating: The male emu will mount the female emu and insert his penis into her cloaca. The male will then transfer his sperm to the female.

3. Laying eggs: After mating, the female emu will lay eggs. She will lay her eggs in a single clutch, usually between 10 and 20 eggs. The eggs are large (8-10 cm in diameter) and green in color.

4. Incubation: The male emu will incubate the eggs for 8 weeks. During this time, he will protect the eggs from predators and keep them warm.

5. Hatching: After 8 weeks, the eggs will hatch and the chicks will emerge. The chicks are precocial, meaning that they are able to walk and feed themselves almost immediately.

6. Raising chicks: The chicks are raised by both the male and female emus. They will stay with their parents for up to 18 months.

Emu will not mate with humans

Emu is a bird and human are mammals. Birds and mammals cannot mate with each other.