Are Puppy Fetuses in Separate Sacs?

If you're present for the birth of puppies, you'll notice that each one arrives in its own amniotic sac. They've all developed in their individual sacs inside the uterus. Also known as the water sac, the amniotic sac contains fluid cushioning the fetus from the constant movement of the mother's body and jostling related to the outside world.
  1. Gestation

    • Dogs are pregnant for approximately two months, or 63 days on average. Fetal puppies grow within the uterus, enclosed within the two "horns" of the canine womb. Each fetus has its own placenta, which provides nourishment and oxygen during its growth and removes waste from the fetus to the mother's blood for excretion. The amniotic sac, surrounding and protecting the fetus, lies inside the placenta. The American Kennel Club compares the placenta and the sac within it to a cigar wrapper encircling the fetus.


    • When the mother dog gives birth, you'll see the dark amniotic sac emerge from the vulva. She pushes a bit more, and the puppy is born. The sac should either break when the puppy enters the world, or the mother chews or licks it open and bites off the umbilical cord. She also licks the puppy to clean and stimulate it. She might also eat the sacs, which is fine.


    • If the sac doesn't break and the mother doesn't do the honors, it's up to you to save the puppy. Open the sac and clear the puppy's nose and mouth of any amniotic material with a clean towel. Open his mouth gently and check the airway. If he doesn't start breathing, rub his body gently but firmly to stimulate respiration and get any amniotic fluid out of the lungs.


    • Although the sac breaks with the puppy, the placenta soon follows. It's important to keep track of the placentas after birth, ensuring that the number of placentas equals the number of puppies. The mother dog might consume the placenta, which is fine as long as you've accounted for it. Retained placentas cause infection and are often life-threatening, so contact your vet if all the placentas aren't expelled within a couple of hours of the birth of the last puppy.