False Pregnancy in Chihuahuas

The loyal and animated temperament of Chihuahuas makes these animals good companion pets. These dogs have large, wide-set eyes and come in a variety of colors such as black, white and chestnut. A small, toy-sized canine, Chihuahuas weigh between 2 and 6 pounds and only reach a height of 6 to 9 inches. Their small stature makes pregnancy risky.
  1. Signs of Pregnancy

    • When a Chihuahua becomes pregnant, you will soon notice physical and behavioral changes in the animal. A pregnant female acts tired and lethargic. Her stomach rapidly swells and becomes rigid. Her nipples also become enlarged. She changes her grooming habits as well, cleaning herself more meticulously than normal. Since Chihuahuas only carry their puppies for a short nine weeks, find a veterinarian to oversee the pregnancy as soon as you notice these symptoms.

    False Pregnancy Symptoms

    • Chihuahuas sometimes experience false pregnancies. During a false pregnancy, the dog's body believes it is carrying a litter of puppies and begins displaying pregnancy symptoms. False pregnancy symptoms include: expanded stomach, enlarged nipples, restlessness, depression, loss of appetite and lactation. Doctors believe that a hormone imbalance, particularly between progesterone and prolactin, causes these pseudo-pregnancies, but further study is needed. Symptoms usually present themselves four to eight weeks after estrus (heat) has ended. Sometimes Chihuahuas who have had their ovaries and uterus surgically removed show signs of a false pregnancy three or four days after the surgery.


    • To diagnose a false pregnancy, bring the Chihuahua to your veterinarian. The vet will use abdominal X-rays and an ultrasound to determine if your dog is carrying puppies or experiencing a false pregnancy. To rule out any underlying diseases that could be causing the pet's symptoms, he'll also conduct a physical exam and run routine blood tests as a complete blood count, biochemistry profile and urinalysis.


    • False pregnancies generally don't require treatment and go away on their own within approximately a month. To alleviate lactation symptoms, use a cold or warm pack on the enlarged nipples. Also, place a cone collar around the Chihuahua's neck to prevent her from stimulating lactation through self-nursing or licking. Decreasing your pet's food may also slow milk production. However, consult a veterinarian before treating the dog's symptoms. If the pregnancy symptoms persist, your veterinarian will likely prescribe hormone supplements or suggest the removal of the ovaries and uterus if you don't plan to breed the dog in the future.