When Does a Chihuahua Come Into Heat After a Pregnancy?

Female chihuahuas can start breeding at around 6 months of age. A chihuahua's pregnancy typically lasts between 50 and 60 days. Afterward, owners must provide a comfortable living space with food and water for the mother and puppies. The heat cycle after a pregnancy remains similar to the heat cycle of a chihuahua that has never been pregnant. Allow the chihuahua to recover from pregnancy during the next heat cycle.
  1. The Chihuahua Heat Cycle - Proestrus and Estrus

    • A chihuahua may enter the heat cycle again approximately four months after a pregnancy. In some chihuahuas, the heat cycle occurs every six to nine months. The first two stages of the heat cycle include proestrus and estrus, respectively. During proestrus, owners may notice bloody discharge and swelling in the animal's pelvic region. Swollen nipples may also indicate that the chihuahua has entered proestrus. Owners may notice that male dogs are attracted to the chihuahua. Female chihuahuas typically avoid intercourse during this stage. Proestrus lasts approximately a week before the animal enters estrus. During estrus, a chihuahua may still experience bloody discharge, but it will be receptive to intercourse with males. Females are most fertile during estrus, which lasts for approximately a week.

    The Chihuahua Heat Cycle - Diestrus and Anestrus

    • Diestrus lasts for approximately 80 days. Animals will cease to engage in intercourse. In chihuahuas that successfully get pregnant, diestrus may end in considerably less than 80 days. In anestrus, the last stage of the heat cycle, the animal shows no physical symptoms of being in heat. When the heat cycle begins anew with proestrus and estrus, owners will again see physical symptoms in the chihuahua.

    Breeding Complications

    • Pregnancy and labor are taxing on a chihuahua and over-breeding can lead to several health complications. Speak to a veterinarian regarding breeding your dog. Although chihuahuas can start to breed at 6 months of age, it is likely the animal lacks the hip breadth to safely deliver puppies after a pregnancy. A pet chihuahua also faces increased risk of mammary cancer due to repetitive heat cycles. Owners can reduce the likelihood of mammary cancer and other health risks by spaying the chihuahua.

    Indications of Pregnancy

    • While owners may recognize the stages of an animal's heat cycle, a chihuahua's pregnancy may not appear as obvious initially. A chihuahua may experience behavioral changes, engorged nipples, lethargy and a lack of appetite in the initial weeks of pregnancy. After the first few weeks of pregnancy, the dog may rapidly gain weight. Her stomach should feel firm to the touch, especially as the chihuahua approaches the last few weeks of pregnancy. Take the chihuahua to confirm the pregnancy and get information on what an owner needs to do to prepare for the birth of the puppies.