What to do if your guppy is close giving birth?

Here are steps to take if you notice that your guppy is close to giving birth:

1. Provide Plenty of Hiding Spaces: Ensure that your guppy has plenty of hiding spots, such as live plants or artificial decorations, where she can feel secure and protected during the birthing process.

2. Lower Water Level: Some fish keepers prefer to lower the water level in the breeding tank to reduce the water pressure on the female and make it easier for the fry to reach the surface.

3. Avoid Disturbance: Keep the tank as calm and quiet as possible to avoid stressing the female guppy. Minimize activities like feeding or water changes during this time.

4. Monitor Closely: Keep a close eye on the female guppy. Signs that indicate imminent birth include a distended belly, restlessness, and attempts to find secluded areas.

5. Separate the Female (Optional): Some aquarists prefer to separate the pregnant female into a breeding box or net breeder to prevent other tank mates from eating the fry. This is not always necessary if the tank has sufficient hiding places and the other fish are not aggressive towards fry.

6. Be Patient: The birthing process can last several hours or even an entire day. Allow the guppy to take her time and avoid interrupting the process.

7. Remove Dead Fry: After the fry are born, promptly remove any dead or deformed fry to maintain water quality and prevent disease.

8. Feed Fry Appropriately: Once the fry are free-swimming, begin feeding them with appropriately-sized food, such as brine shrimp, or commercial fry food.

9. Monitor Water Quality: Regularly test and monitor the water quality to ensure that the conditions are suitable for the fry.

10. Be Patient and Enjoy: Raising guppy fry can be a rewarding experience. Be patient and enjoy watching them grow and thrive in your tank.