How do you know when a guppy is giving birth?

There are several signs that indicate a guppy is about to give birth:

1. Gestation Period: The gestation period for guppies is typically 21 to 35 days. If you know when the female guppy was impregnated, you can estimate the due date.

2. Swollen Belly: The female's belly will become noticeably swollen as she carries the developing fry inside. The area near her anal fin may appear dark or distended.

3. Dark Spot Near Anal Fin: A dark spot near the anal fin is a common sign of impending birth. This spot is the gravid spot and indicates the area where the fry will exit.

4. Isolation and Restlessness: Pregnant guppies may isolate themselves from the rest of the tank and become restless or stressed. They may swim near the surface of the water or seek hiding places.

5. Chasing: Male guppies may chase the pregnant female more frequently as the birth approaches.

6. Labor and Delivery: When the guppy is ready to give birth, she will move to a secluded spot in the tank, such as dense plants or rocks. The birthing process can last for several hours or even days. During this time, the fry will emerge from the mother's body one by one.

It's important to provide the pregnant guppy with a stress-free environment and adequate shelter to ensure a successful birthing process. After birth, the fry should be separated from the adults to prevent them from being eaten.