- Angelfish will clean the surface of a leaf or broad leafed plant in preparation for laying eggs. These leaves are usually located near the top of the water. Cleaning behaviour might also be seen on the glass of the aquarium.
- Angelfish males will chase females around the aquarium during courtship. They may nudge or bump the females with their noses.
- The female angelfish will lay eggs on the prepared surface. The eggs are small and round and are usually white or clear in colour.
- The male angelfish will then fertilise the eggs. He does this by releasing milt, which contains sperm, over the eggs.
- The angelfish will take turns guarding the eggs. They will fan them with their fins to keep them oxygenated and clean.
- The eggs will hatch after about 48 hours. The fry will be small and helpless and will need to be fed live food or special fry food.
- Angelfish fry will be guarded and tended to by both parents.