What is a draft breed?

Draft breeds, also known as heavy horses or working horses, are horse breeds developed for their ability to pull heavy loads, such as carts, wagons, or plows. They are typically large, muscular horses with strong hooves and calm temperaments. Draft horses have traditionally been used in agriculture, construction, and transportation, but today they are often also used for recreational purposes such as trail riding and showing.

Some common draft horse breeds include:

* Belgian: Originally bred in Belgium, Belgian horses are known for their strength and versatility. They are often used for logging, farming, and other heavy-duty tasks.

* Clydesdale: Clydesdales are a Scottish breed originally used for hauling coal. They are typically bay or black in color with white markings on their legs and faces. Clydesdales are known for their long, flowing manes and tails.

* Percheron: Percherons are a French breed of draft horse known for their endurance and elegance. They are often black or gray in color and have a calm, gentle temperament. Percherons are commonly used for pulling carriages and riding.

* Shire: Shires are a British breed of draft horse, known for their large size and calm disposition. They are often seen in parades and exhibitions.

* Suffolk Punch: The Suffolk Punch is a breed of draft horse developed in England. They are known for being easy to handle and are chestnut in color.