What if your Maltese dog is tan with lil black points on his ears can he be full breed?

It's impossible to say for sure if a tan Maltese with black points on its ears is a purebred without seeing the dog and knowing its lineage.

Here's why:

* Maltese Breed Standard: The official Maltese breed standard describes the Maltese as having a pure white coat. Tan color is not recognized as part of the breed standard.

* Possible Explanations:

* Mix Breed: The most likely scenario is that the dog is a mix of breeds. Tan coloration is common in many other dog breeds.

* Genetic Anomaly: While rare, there could be a genetic anomaly that has caused the tan color.

* Sun Bleaching: It is possible that the dog's coat is sun-bleached, making it appear tan in areas. This is more common in lighter-colored dogs.

To Determine Breed:

* DNA Test: The most accurate way to determine the dog's lineage is to perform a DNA test.

* Veterinarian's Opinion: A veterinarian may be able to give you a professional opinion based on physical characteristics and breed knowledge.

Important Note: Regardless of breed, your dog is unique and special! Enjoy and love your furry friend, no matter what color they are.