Which breeds-of-dogs have the best-hearing?

It's tough to say definitively which breeds have the *absolute* best hearing, as there's no standardized test for measuring dog hearing across all breeds. However, certain breeds are known for their exceptional hearing abilities, often due to their original purpose:

Breeds with Superior Hearing:

* Beagles: Bred for their keen sense of smell, Beagles also have impressive hearing, making them ideal for scent-tracking.

* German Shepherds: Known for their intelligence and working abilities, German Shepherds have excellent hearing that aids in their ability to follow commands and detect changes in their environment.

* Border Collies: These intelligent sheepdogs have exceptional hearing for herding, allowing them to quickly respond to commands and notice even the slightest changes in their flock's behavior.

* Doberman Pinschers: Originally bred as guard dogs, Dobermans possess acute hearing that helps them detect potential threats.

* Retrievers (Labrador, Golden, etc.): These hunting breeds have fantastic hearing for retrieving waterfowl and other prey.

* Yorkshire Terriers: Though small in size, Yorkies have surprisingly good hearing, likely stemming from their terrier heritage.

Other Considerations:

* Breed size: Smaller dogs often have better hearing relative to their body size.

* Ears: Some breeds, like the Basset Hound, have longer, floppy ears that can funnel sound better, enhancing their hearing sensitivity.

* Individual variations: Just like humans, individual dogs within the same breed can have varying levels of hearing ability.

It's important to remember: All dogs have excellent hearing compared to humans. Even breeds not mentioned above can still possess sensitive ears.