What size are Staffordshire bull terrier puppies?

Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies are typically very small at birth, weighing only 1-2 pounds. They grow rapidly during their first few months of life, but they still remain relatively small compared to adult dogs.

Here's a general idea of their size at different ages:

* 1-2 weeks: 1-2 pounds

* 4-6 weeks: 4-6 pounds

* 8-10 weeks: 8-10 pounds

* 3 months: 12-15 pounds

* 6 months: 20-25 pounds

* 1 year: 30-40 pounds

Note: These are just general estimates, and individual puppies may grow at different rates. It's important to consult with a veterinarian to get a personalized growth chart for your puppy.