However, the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 makes it illegal to own certain types of dogs, but it's not based on breed alone.
Here's what the law states:
* Banned breeds: The Act bans four specific types of dogs:
* Pit Bull Terrier
* Japanese Tosa
* Dogo Argentino
* Fila Brasileiro
* "Type" of dog: The law also targets dogs that are "of the type" of the banned breeds, meaning they look like the banned breeds, regardless of their actual breed.
* Other breeds: The law doesn't specify other breeds as illegal. However, if a dog, regardless of breed, is proven to be dangerously out of control, its owner can be prosecuted under the Dangerous Dogs Act.
Important considerations:
* Ownership: It's illegal to own, sell, or breed a dog that is of a banned type, even if the dog has been neutered.
* "Type" is subjective: Determining whether a dog is "of the type" can be subjective and is often left to the discretion of the courts.
* Responsibility: Regardless of breed, owners are responsible for their dog's behavior. Failure to control a dog can lead to prosecution under the Dangerous Dogs Act, even if the breed isn't banned.
It's crucial to remember that the focus of the law is dog behavior and owner responsibility, not specifically banning breeds.