What is the least popular dog breed?

It's impossible to definitively say which dog breed is the "least popular" because:

* Popularity fluctuates: Trends change, and what's considered uncommon today might be popular tomorrow.

* Data collection varies: Different organizations track dog breed registrations and statistics, and their methods might differ.

* Regional differences: Certain breeds might be more popular in specific geographic areas.

However, some breeds consistently appear less common than others. These include:

* Norwegian Lundehund: Known for its unique six toes and ability to climb cliffs.

* Otterhound: A rare breed of hound with a water-resistant coat.

* Irish Wolfhound: A giant breed with a gentle nature.

* Komondor: A large, white, corded breed used for guarding livestock.

* Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless Dog): An ancient breed with a distinctive hairless appearance.

* Catalan Sheepdog: A longhaired, white breed known for its intelligence and loyalty.

Remember, popularity doesn't define a breed's worth. All dog breeds have unique qualities and deserve love and care.