Is there a breed of dog called box head lab?

There is no officially recognized dog breed called a "Box Head Lab." This term likely refers to a Labrador Retriever with a particularly square or boxy head shape.

Here's why:

* Labrador Retrievers have a standard: The American Kennel Club (AKC) and other kennel clubs have breed standards for Labrador Retrievers, outlining ideal physical characteristics. These standards do not mention a specific head shape as being desirable or necessary.

* Individual variation: Just like humans, dogs within the same breed can have subtle variations in their appearance. Some Labs may have slightly more blocky heads than others. This is simply natural variation within the breed.

* Informal term: "Box Head Lab" is likely an informal term used to describe a specific Labrador Retriever's head shape, rather than a recognized breed.

Important note: While the term "Box Head Lab" might be used informally, it's important to remember that a dog's physical appearance should not be the primary factor in choosing a breed.