Here's why:
* No visible changes: Neutering involves removing the testicles, which are located inside the scrotum. This doesn't change the dog's appearance in any noticeable way.
* Individual variation: Dogs come in different shapes and sizes, and the size and position of their scrotum can vary.
* Scrotum may still be present: Even after neutering, the scrotum remains. This is a common misconception, but it's just a pouch of skin, and its presence doesn't indicate the dog's status.
The only way to know for sure if a male dog has been neutered is:
* Ask the owner: The most reliable way to find out is to directly ask the owner if their dog has been neutered.
* Check for official records: Some shelters or rescues may have records of the dog's neutering.
* Consult a veterinarian: If you are unsure, a veterinarian can examine the dog and determine if he has been neutered.
Remember, it's important to respect a dog's privacy and avoid trying to touch or examine their private areas.