Can you get a dog on your team in Dragon Age Origins?

You cannot get a dog as a companion on your team in Dragon Age: Origins. While there are many loyal companions to choose from, like Alistair, Morrigan, and Wynne, a canine companion is not one of them.

However, you can find some cute doggy friends in the game world:

* Dog in the Village of Lothering: There's a friendly dog outside of the tavern in Lothering, but it's just a non-interactive character.

* "Wolf" in the Brecilian Forest: You'll encounter a wolf in the Brecilian Forest that acts as a semi-companion. It can be a loyal ally in battle, but it won't follow you everywhere like a true companion.

While you can't have a dog as a companion, you can still enjoy interacting with dogs in the world of Dragon Age!