Here are some breeds known for having particularly noticeable hackles:
* German Shepherds: Their hackles are often raised when they are alert or excited.
* Siberian Huskies: Their thick, double coat can make their hackles stand up prominently.
* Akita Inus: These dogs have a distinctive, thick, double coat that includes noticeable hackles.
* Collies: Their long, flowing coats include noticeable hackles, especially when they are excited or alert.
* Border Collies: Similar to Collies, Border Collies have distinct hackles that are often raised when they are working or playing.
* Hounds: Many hound breeds, such as Beagles and Bloodhounds, have noticeable hackles.
However, it's important to remember that hackles are not unique to any specific breed. Any dog can raise its hackles as a sign of arousal, excitement, fear, or aggression.