Things to Entertain a Corgi

Corgis are high-energy dogs that were once used to herd cattle and work as watchdogs. If they do not have enough exercise or mental stimulation during the day they can become bored, which can lead to destructive tendencies. Entertaining your corgi through exercise, training, play and games can keep him from misbehaving as well as from developing health problems such as obesity and muscle fatigue.
  1. Exercise

    • Corgis need to be given some form of high-energy exercise at least twice a day, for up to an hour each time. Accompanying a bike rider or jogger, going through an obstacle course or agility course, playing with other dogs or participating in games of fetch can all serve for this exercise. A basic walk around the block will not do. If you have an agility class in your area, you should try to sign up for it and go as often as possible. If not, try building a course in your yard and include jumps, ramps, tunnels, hoops and poles.


    • Spending at least 15 to 20 minutes every day training your corgi in obedience or to do tricks gives him both physical and mental stimulation. He is eager to learn as long as you use rewards and praise as your training method. Simple commands such as "sit," "stay" and "roll over" may take only a few sessions to stick in your dog's memory, while more complex tricks may take several weeks or months to be perfected.


    • Corgis have a natural herding instinct that they will use on small children, other dogs and even other animals. You can purposely set up situations where your corgi can herd things, such as having a group of people scatter about your yard and then giving your dog the command to herd them back up again. You can also toss toys such as balls around the yard which your corgi can "herd" back together by pushing and bumping them. You should be careful with these herding games, however, as many corgis nip at whomever they are trying to herd and could accidentally hurt someone.


    • Corgis are very intelligent and should be given mentally stimulating tasks on a regular basis. Providing them with the kinds of toys you can hide food or treats in, so that they have to figure out how to release the items, is one way to keep their brains alert. Another way is to hide treats around your house or yard so they have to find them. This involves using not only their minds but also their sense of smell and tracking abilities.