Open Coat Labradoodles

The labradoodle is a hybrid of a poodle and a Labrador retriever. These small-to-medium sized dogs are not yet recognized as a standard breed by the American Kennel Club, but are being bred and raised as pets all over the country. If you are picking out a labradoodle to bring into your family, it helps to know about the different types of coats that are available.
  1. Types

    • The type of coat your labradoodle has impacts its overall image. When you hear that a labradoodle has an open coat, this means that the fur is nearly straight. Some labradoodles have curly fur, which is the curliest type of coat, wavy fur or an open coat. A labradoodle with an open coat has the longest strands of fur because the fur is not coiled up and curly like labradoodles with curly fur.


    • Labradoodles have three types of coat textures. Fleece coats are soft and silky. This is the most common type of coat texture found with the breed. Wool coats are denser and are compared to the texture of lamb wool, but are still soft. Hair coats are course and straggly. They can appear to be unkept, but that is the nature of the coat. When referring to open coats, this is associated with the fleece texture of fur.


    • An open coat labradoodle has to be groomed on a regular basis. Routine grooming and brushing prevents the matting of the fur, especially in places such as behind the ears. Another thing to consider about labradoodles is that open coat doodles are primarily non-shedding. Their fur is lightweight and will not come off in clumps, which is beneficial for housekeeping and for people with allergies.


    • Labradoodles with open fleece coats are said to be odorless. Their bodies do not produce odor when this type of coat is present. So, if an odorless dog is what you are searching for, you can feel confident in your selection of the open coat labradoodle.